Frequently Asked Questions


What is an Employee Campaign?

An Employee Campaign is a series of coordinated actions and communications aimed at engaging employees to adopt behaviors and practices that align with the organization's goals and values.

How do Employee Campaigns differ from Traditional Initiatives?

Employee Campaigns differ from Traditional Initiatives in many ways:

  • Traditional Initiative success is measured by the volume of activities (what did we do?) while Employee Campaign success is defined by measurable impact and outcomes (what did we achieve?).

  • Traditional Initiatives create employee fatigue & disengagement from constant top-down communications. Employee Campaigns deliver short, digestible messages designed to resonate with the individuals receiving them.

  • Traditional Initiatives are often reactive and disjointed from one another, creating dissonance for participants. Employee Campaigns treat the employee experience with the same level of care as the customer experience.

  • Traditional Initiatives overload users with information, creating inefficiency as loss of retention and inadequacy in transitioning information into real world practice. Employee Campaigns break down complex people-related priorities into simple, actionable steps. These steps are communicated through easy-to-digest, bite-sized messages that encourage immediate action.

Where did the Employee Campaign Idea Come from?

Marketers are well represented among ProHabits’ leadership and team. So naturally, we’ve drawn inspiration from our source of inspiration - digital marketing. In fact, the term Employee Campaign Platform (ECP) is a build off of the traditional concept of a CDP (Customer Data Platform) in digital marketing. Instead of orienting towards external customers, the ECP is turned inward towards an employee audience.

What content does the Employee Campaign Platform deliver?

Nudges. Behavioral science and practical application agree that baby steps are one of the only lasting ways to impact the way we work and interact with one another. Nudges are the perfect delivery mechanism for small, actionable steps that build to large changes.

They make it easy to take small actions that have the potential to change who employees perceive themselves as, what they feel capable of doing, and how they act in the future.

Our nudges are designed to build powerful habits to make your strategy a reality, all in-the-flow of work.

Why are campaign nudges so effective?

Simplicity and Ease: Nudges are simple and easy to understand, reducing cognitive load and decision fatigue.

Subtle and Non-Intrusive: They operate subtly, avoiding direct persuasion or coercion, which can lead to less resistance.

Encourage Action: Nudges encourage action through behavior change techniques, rather than relying solely on information sharing.

Social Influence: Nudges utilize social norms and peer influence, encouraging behavior through the power of social acceptance.

How does data help to create more impactful interventions?

Beyond helping us better understand employees and the experiences/behaviors that influence outcomes, the ECP takes that same data and applies the discipline & techniques of digital marketers to create targeted, hyper-relevant campaigns to shift employee behaviors and outcomes. Those campaigns are backed by the power of behavioral science - using ‘nudges’ to break through the noise and connect with employees in today’s world of diminished attention spans.

What can I use the ECP for?

The ECP is best used to activate your people towards your most important organizational goals. While this list isn’t exhaustive, here are goals we’ve helped our customers and partners achieve with the ECP:

  • Onboarding

  • Retention

  • Sales Enablement

  • Diversity Equity & Inclusion

  • Health and Safety

  • Manager Effectiveness

  • Career development

  • Change management

  • Digital transformation

  • Culture activation

  • Employee engagement

  • Organizational Effectiveness

  • Connecting hybrid workplaces

  • Employer Value Prop


What is an Employee Campaign Platform (ECP)?

An Employee Campaign Platform (ECP) is a system designed to collect employee data from disparate sources, normalize it and build unique, unified profiles of individual employees. The result is a persistent, unified employee data repository that integrates with other people program technology systems to help measure, manage, and activate employees.

How does the ECP action the goals of the organization?

Beyond helping us better understand employees and the experiences / behaviors that influence outcomes, the ECP takes that same data and applies the discipline & techniques of digital marketers to create targeted, hyper-relevant campaigns to shift employee behaviors and outcomes. Those campaigns are backed by the power of behavioral science—using ‘nudges’ to break through the noise and connect with employees in today’s world of diminished attention spans.


How long does it typically take to set up and implement an ECP?

We measure our deployments in hours and days, NOT months and quarters.

We’ve deployed same-day with clients and will work with you to prioritize deployment objectives to maximize speed-to-value.

Who owns the ECP?

We deploy it. you own it. Period. The ECP lives in your environment and is yours to use however you see fit. Of course, we have a few ideas to help you get the best results.

What do you mean it lives in my environment?

Data privacy and security is a non-negotiable for us. We know it is for you too. For that reason, we’ve designed an elegant solution to keep your data protected.

Rather than connecting your data to our ECP, we bring the ECP to you. Deployed in your environment, all data connections exist in-tenant, protected by your privacy and security controls.


What is ProHabits’ approach to Privacy?

At ProHabits, we believe that privacy is a fundamental right.

What personal information do we process?

▪First Name

▪Last Name


Do we process personal data for marketing purposes?

No. ProHabits DOES NOT process any personal data from its customers for marketing purposes. No personal data is shared with any parties, unless legally required.

Is ProHabits GDPR Compliant?

Yes. Data stored in the customer tenant will inherit their GDPR compliance from Microsoft as Data Processor and Customer policies and procedures as Data Controller